Record with the Unique Sidebar Desktop App

For Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet

Tom avatar
Written by Tom
Updated over a week ago


1. The Unique Sidebar Desktop App is installed

2. Your calendar is connected to Unique

  • If you logged in to with your Microsoft account, your calendar should already be connected.

  • If you you use Google calendar, make sure you have connected your Google Calendar with Unique.

3. Your meeting is scheduled

Recording with the Unique Sidebar Desktop App

1. Launch the Unique Sidebar Desktop app.

2. The home page shows your Agenda. Select an upcoming meeting.

Note: The Agenda will show calendar events from the past hour to the last scheduled meeting of the day.

3. Click the "REC" button to invite the Unique Bot to join your meeting.

Note: It may take about 15-30 seconds for the Unique Bot to join the waiting room and request access.

4. Admit the Unique Bot in your conference tool.

Microsoft Teams

Google Meet


5. Once the Unique Bot is admitted, you will see the real-time features in the Unique Sidebar.

What's Next?

  • Find your recording in

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