How to set up Signals
Tom avatar
Written by Tom
Updated over a week ago

Purpose of Signals:

A message is displayed in the live transcript when a certain word is mentioned. You can also choose to receive an email notification. This way you can set yourself reminders, warnings, instructions and form good habits.

How to configure:

  1. Go to Settings in the and then on the left side you'll see "Signals"

  2. You can create a new Signal via the + button: Add Signal

  3. Example: Add the Signal "Next steps"

  4. You can add one or more words under tracked expression. It has to be an exact match. Synonyms are not recognised.

    • You can choose to have either or both email or live notifications

    • Enter the text that should appear when the word is recognised.

How to test:

  1. Create a new meeting

  2. Invite the bot, say the word/tracked expression, e.g. "next step"

  3. The pop up window should appear in the live transcript

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